Monday, September 27, 2010

The coprophagous congress, public policy and elections 2010….

Given the state of the republic and the state (especially Texas Red) since at least the mid-19th Century you expected what? Really.

The usual suspects---progeny of the DWTS-local equivalents have all filed and are anxiously awaiting your approval. Really. Personally, I’m on pins and needles. Not really most are foregone conclusions.

The founders were well intentioned but apparently millennia ahead of their time and of course, of the evolution of the human species.

From the annals of the twisted, tortured and tormented perspective on reality the following are presented for your review and maybe entertainment.

so from Texas Red coprophagous wackjobs you expected what?
Divided SBOE adopts religion resolution
AUSTIN — Publishers were put on notice Friday when a divided State Board of Education vowed to reject textbooks with a pro-Islamic and anti-Christian slant, sending a message that critics say promotes fear and prejudice.

The resolution, approved by a 7-6 vote, says multiple world history textbooks are tainted with views that demonize Christianity and favor Islam.

from the residents of Texas Red you expected something different?
Texans back Arizona-style bill

Texas Red 49 in healthcare, top 10 in guns; unhealthy but armed………
Report: 10 states sell half of imported crime guns
Forty-nine percent of those guns were sold in Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California or Arizona.

to be expected from our lapdog congress but no less spineless, self-serving and careerist….
White House, Dems see tax cut vote after election

conservatives give you a hard time as they take all your liberties…..well deserved
Citizens United After Eight Months
The reason the Times' paints only an "anecdotal portrait" and Toner relies on his "personal experience" is that this new corporate money is increasingly being funneled through 501(c)(4) groups that aren't required to disclose who their donors are. You can see the results at the Washington Post's running tally of campaign spending by interest groups: seven of the top ten spenders are Republican organizations, and they're outspending Democrats by nearly two to one, much of it on ads specifically targeted against Democratic House and Senate candidates.

never underestimate the military-industrial complex…
Military thwarted president seeking choice in Afghanistan

in an age of careerists no real surprise……
Military brass thwarted search for an exit plan

think of these as the hedging your bets states…
Three states may keep us guessing about midterm results after elections

Save American Democracy, or What's Left of It

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way

Hasta Siempre,


democracy? surely you know better………
Diesel Dangers: Mining Companies Get First Look at Government Cancer Study
A long-delayed government epidemiological study of possible ties between diesel exhaust and lung cancer in miners may finally be published this fall -- but only after a mining industry group, represented by the Washington lobbying powerhouse Patton Boggs, finishes a pre-publication review of the study's drafts.

paranoia, the growing police state America of obama/bush3…..
Money transfers could face anti-terrorism scrutiny

did I mention the growing police state America of obama/bush3?
Report: US would make Internet wiretaps easier

military (AFPC) does the same, enriches colonels, saves no money---free market economy? right
Audit: Ex-Postal Service workers return as private contractors, make more money 

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