Saturday, September 11, 2010

52 Days and counting, a few will decide for all…

Two-hundred thirty four years ago Benjamin Franklin was heard to respond to a woman’s query whether we now had a monarchy or a republic, “A republic---if you can keep it.”

Studying history in high school and then in college the words were meaningful but not nearly so much as now years later.

What Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and George Washington tried to give us was a tolerant republic run by the people. That however, requires an informed, educated and participating population. Almost from the outset that has just not been the case.

Left in the hands of the individual state’s elites education could never be anything more than the apartheid public education it is.

Left in the hands of the individual state’s elites social engineering was almost a given.

And now, 234 years later here we are in a condition far worse than the Great Depression. At least 80 years ago people were not in denial about conditions.

There are more changes in the last 10 years and the first ten years of a century than almost any other part of that 100 years. The changes the past two decades have brought I for one could have done quite well without.

Bill White will be our next governor, little difference that will make except for the handful of connected minions who will profit from the change in management.

The fact is I urge you to get out and vote---it is important to exercise liberties we have been handed even if that expression, in this case voting is pointless. If you vote progressive, liberal go to the polls understanding you are doing your civic duty without expecting good things because quite simply you aren’t going to get them not in Texas Red.

From Texas Red, a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


Bexar County Elections Department  

Here's What's the Matter With Kansas

League of Women Voters of Texas

General Election Candidiates List:

Bexar County Dems open Headquarters on Broadway

Bexar County inmates may lack mental health assessments

Protesters rallied at the Alamo against election corruption

Pentagon Tries to Buy Up Embarrassing Book
But with dozens of unredacted review copies already in the hands of newspaper and magazine editors, it's unlikely that taking books off the shelves will be enough to keep under wraps whatever it is the Pentagon wants to stay secret. Already, original review copies of the book are being offered for sale online at upward of $500.

Expectations for voter turnout in Bexar County remain low

Bexar County set to hurt the poor, elderly and otherwise disadvantaged

Big cuts looming for mental health care

Help Change Sex Ed in Texas
Join a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

Speaking in Tongues

Stunning Statistics of the Week:
Amount spent on television ads in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's home state of Nevada since June: $7.5 million
Amount spent on those ads by outside groups: $2.8 million
Amount Republican candidate Sharron Angle has spent on ads: $2.6 million
Amount Reid has spent: $1.9 million

Rick Perry in toughest fight of any incumbent Republican governor

Walker Report

Carter secures release of U.S. prisoner….

in my grandparent’s day “los rinches”(texas rangers) were just an institutionalized lynchmob (terrorists) some things just don’t change I guess….
State obscures elite Texas Rangers' border work

The Brothers Koch: Rich, Political And Playing To Win
Chances are you've never heard of Charles and David Koch. The brothers own Koch Industries, a Kansas-based conglomerate that operates oil refineries in several states and is the company behind brands including Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Lycra fibers and Stainmaster carpet. Forbes ranks Koch Industries as the second-largest privately held company in the U.S. — and the Koch brothers themselves? They're worth billions.

Covert Operations
The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.

Filmmaker Says Katrina No Natural Disaster
Hurricane Katrina, and the destruction it wrought, are often referred to as a natural disaster. Think again, says actor Harry Shearer. In his documentary, The Big Uneasy, Shearer says much of the destruction in New Orleans was man-made and preventable -- and largely the fault of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Filmmaker Says Katrina No Natural Disaster
Hurricane Katrina, and the destruction it wrought, are often referred to as a natural disaster. Think again, says actor Harry Shearer. In his documentary, The Big Uneasy, Shearer says much of the destruction in New Orleans was man-made and preventable -- and largely the fault of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Runaway Drone Violated Capital Airspace
DENVER (Aug. 26) -- A military drone that was supposed to be remotely controlled broke off contact with its operators and wandered into restricted airspace around the nation's capital, the military has revealed.

Corruption Tie in Afghanistan Has Echoes of CIA's Past

CIA making secret payments to members of Karzai administration

San Antonio Politics (or not)

Illusions of Justice, Lennox S. Hinds

George Carlin Doesn't vote

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