Thursday, July 22, 2010

Public Policy: Can anything good come from denying the obvious?

Public Policy: Can anything good come from denying the obvious?

When “leaders” attempt to obscure the obvious.........What? Tea Party Racist? Perish the thought. (Right)

Tea Party Not a 'Racist Organization,' Biden Says---more like Tea Party: Racist – Biden just delusional

Shirley Sherrod: casualty of escalating 'tea party'-NAACP race spat? Post-racial? Not so much.

The feud began in earnest last week when the NAACP accused the "tea party" of harboring racists within the movement. Shortly afterward, Mark Williams, the leader of a tea party group called the Tea Party Express, wrote a mock letter from NAACP head Ben Jealous to Abraham Lincoln that stated, in part, "Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!"

Bexar County’s “representatives: Careerists and opportunists: betrayers of the public trust


“As someone who observed the rise of the broadband market, it is troubling to learn 73 Democrats are willing to sell out their constituents and their president by siding with the greedy phone and cable companies. They have joined with 37 Senate Republicans, who signed an industry-written letter demanding the Federal Communications Commission to halt all efforts to protect Internet users. So it came as a surprise to learn all three of San Antonio’s lawmakers – Rep Charlie Gonzalez (TX-20), Rep Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23), and Rep Henry Cuellar (TX-28) – were included in the Democrat group that has decided to oppose the Obama Administration’s telecom agenda for better broadband and Net Neutrality.”

Rigging The Rules

“THERE'S ONE GRASSROOTS way that workaday folks can create more fairness in our country’s plutocratic, corporate-controlled economy: unite in unions. Some 60 million workers say they’d join a union if they could.”

GOP Fairy Tales

Back in the day, one of the key Republican arguments against the estate tax was that it forced hardworking, salt-of-the-earth children of small farmers to sell the family plot in order to pay their taxes after dad died. It was a sad story, but with one problem: no one could find even a single small farmer who had been forced to liquidate in order to satisfy Uncle Sam's voracious maw. Even the American Farm Bureau Federation was eventually forced to admit that it couldn't come up with a single example, and a few years later the Congressional Budget Office estimated that under the now-current exemption level, only a tiny handful of small farms were likely to owe any estate tax to begin with — and of those, only about a dozen lacked the assets to pay their taxes. And even those dozen had 14 years to pay the bill as long as the kids kept running the farm. In other words, the story was a fraud from beginning to end.

'Wall Street leads in phony reform'



an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance: talk of unity was nothing more than a charade.

Texas Republicans Are Nearly Bankrupt (And They Don't Have Any Money, Either)!

“And here's another scary thought. If the Republicans don't even have any money, then how totally f***ed are the rest of us? I mean, what chance on God's green earth do Greenpeace and Amnesty International have of raising a nickel, if the masters of the universe are passing the hat?

It's all so terribly disillusioning. And I'd think it would be doubly disillusioning for a Republican. Because really, what's the point of being a Texas Republican if you're just as poor as everybody else? More confronting still, if you're a Texas Republican, and you're not rich, then what are you?

It's enough to make one an existentialist, no?”

Ahh the games elected representatives play---hugely dependent on constituent’s lack of knowledge, prejudices and willingness to believe the worst about almost everything.

Central Banking Conspiracy I

Hasta Siempre,

Public Policy: Can anything good come from denying the obvious?

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