Friday, July 30, 2010

Public Policy: Bill of Rights repealed by the “mainstream” led by Arizona’s Joe Arpaio

Any connection to reality is coincidental---wait---there are no coincidences….

Often there are few “truths” in public policy that have any connection to reality for those most affected by it. The exception is the separate reality that the blustering, pontificating and bombastic mainstream finds itself embracing---but only after realizing there’s no other viable choice.

One example is the integration of our military. Public policy, the mainstream, long advanced the notion of equal protection of the law---lynchings, burnings and discrimination not withstanding. Then beginning in the 1960’s a generation after Eleanor Roosevelt made efforts to force the “mainstream” to do the right thing and gosh only a century after it was “proclaimed” it started. Today with rare exception it is the rule---except for homosexuals. That is yet another example of the tortured, twisted, tormented sense of reality of the “mainstream.”

Another example is the conflict in Arizona. It is the vortex in the conflict between racist European-Anglos and the ghost of the Hispanic that rattles, annoys and unhinges the European-Anglo. Hell, this is occurring 234 years after it was first declared! In writing!! That “All men are created equal….” (guess women didn’t count even to the founders---and today they still earn only 75 cents for every dollar men earn---another example of the “mainstrearm”)

We often read or hear about the “mainstream.” But what exactly is that? defines it as: “the principal or dominant course, tendency, or trend: the mainstream of American culture.”

If it is the “principal or dominant course” it is the majority-view. Please don’t lose sight of the fact that once it was acceptable---“mainstream” to force into slavery those of African descent. Just a few short years ago it was still acceptable at Denny’s not to serve African-American secret service agents. Today it is acceptable for U.S. based transnational corporations to rape, pillage and plunder defenseless countries. As repugnant as it sounds today it is acceptable for the finance industry to rape, pillage and plunder citizens of this republic with impunity.

The mainstream is a euphemism for majority i.e. bully rule. The majority foists its worldview on the rest of us regardless of its propriety, correctness or connectedness to any form of reality---separate or not. The founders understood this and thus did not stand-up a “democracy.”

What does racism have to do with immigration? Glad you asked.

If put to a vote today, Friday 30 July 2010 the majority would never approve the Bill of Rights.. The only vote the Bill of Rights would be put to today would be a referendum to repeal it! That is a promise.

I’ve provided a few links as citations of the assertions of this blog----as usual.

Hasta Siempre,


Frontiers of Racism

Public Policy: Bill of Rights repealed by the “mainstream” led by Arizona’s Joe Arpaio

Is Israel a liability for the US? (is that a trick question?)  

Bric: The new world order (BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and China)
Brazil, Russia, India and China (Bric) are booming whilst many other countries are struggling economically, or even crashing.

The New Normal: Americans Cutting Back — Even If They Don’t Have To (But we do),XRT,RTH,WMT,^DJI,^GSPC


IT'S BEEN JUST OVER A YEAR SINCE FORT WORTH POLICE, with Texas Alcohol and Beverage Control agents in tow, stormed into the Rainbow Lounge, a gay bar. They arrested seven patrons for public intoxication, sent one to the hospital with a head injury and caused a national firestorm. The timing couldn’t have been worse: The raid fell on the 40th anniversary of the anti-police harassment uprising at the Stonewall bar in New York, which touched off the modern gay-rights movement.

Joseph Campbell/the power of myth


Running on empty?

U.S. takes tougher stance with China
The Obama administration has adopted a tougher tone with China in recent weeks as part of a diplomatic balancing act in which the United States welcomes China's rise in some areas but also confronts Beijing when it butts up against American interests.
(By John Pomfret, The Washington Post)

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits
Published: May 25, 1994

Toxic legacy of the Vietnam war

Chevron's "Crude" Attempt to Suppress Free Speech
In New York last Thursday, Federal Judge Lewis A. Kaplan ordered documentary producer and director Joe Berlinger to turn over to Chevron more than 600 hours of raw footage used to create a film titled Crude: The Real Price of Oil.
Released last year, it's the story of how 30,000 Ecuadorians rose up to challenge the pollution of their bodies, livestock, rivers and wells from Texaco's drilling for oil there, a rainforest disaster that has been described as the Amazon's Chernobyl. When Chevron acquired Texaco in 2001 and attempted to dismiss claims that it was now responsible, the indigenous people and their lawyers fought back in court.

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