Thursday, November 4, 2010

Public policy: mandate to the lapdogs, transformational event or just a Yosemite Sam Tea Party moment?

           So what exactly does the result of the mid-term election mean? Other than that we have to listen to the irritating voices of majority players McConnell, Boehner and the like.

           Really does the result of election 2010 mean a people’s mandate to the lapdogs; a transformational event or just a Yosemite Sam Tea Party moment? If you’ve read any of my blogs you can probably guess.

         One brainiac “gifted and talented” if conservative in the extreme writer for a liberal standard bearer, The Washington Post, says it’s all a case of Obama-whining, Emanuel-sucking up and just too much government in the way of business. That really sounds familiar. Wait, wait don’t tell me----oh yeah that’s the same mindset from the same people who got us into this economic mess in the first place---during the 8 incredibly, painfully long “w” years.

Some of us have been paying attention. Best sell that GOPer diatribe to someone else. Try someone who is not paying attention.

The GOPers are already salivating Pavlovian style at the thought of scoring points with the oligarchs they serve.

          The stated agenda for the GOPers is simple. The first order of business is to keep Barack Obama to one term. Second, repeal healthcare and any other piece of progressive i.e. “liberal” legislation the compassionate conservative religiosities tell their followers is spending too much money and is too much government in their business!

           That’s old saw. Where were these guys when “w” was giving away the farm? When “w” was spending $12 to $15 billion dollars a month to shore up the Emerald City, Oz, “the Green Zone” part of Baghdad. That’s not the entire country of Iraq just Oz! For at least six years. That was okay. But don’t think about helping Americans---that’s too much government.

           Where were these folk when Wall Street, “w” and Paulson were telling us the sky was falling? Where were these compassionate conservative religiosity tea partiers when deregulation was trimming back government and allowing the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that for about 80 years kept financial calamity away?

 Besides Obama-care as the compassionate conservative religiosities call it was really never about healthcare---it was about how to pay for it. That is as unsavory to the insurance industry as balancing the budget is to the banks. When we don’t have a deficit, Bill Clinton managed that, it irritates the bankers. They don’t make their easy money. The problem is no one is telling Americans about this.

And don’t forget that throughout the one year Democratic effort to provide Americans healthcare the GOPer lapdogs---especially McConnell and Boehner read from the scripts/talking papers provided them by lobbyists for their owners the trillion dollar insurance industry resisting. 

 Our healthcare system ranks number 23 in the world. Yet no one pays more for healthcare than we do---roughly $2.2 to 2.4 trillion annually.

The insurance is a trillion plus dollar industry. Malpractice lawsuits cost the industry approximately one percent (1%) of annual earnings. The insurance industry would like for you to think it is more. It isn’t.  

            We’re told that the public option is “socialized medicine.” Yet no one can tell us what that is. The boogey man of “socialized medicine” has been around since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

            Why would an industry as big as insurance put so much effort and money into the effort to defeat anything resembling the public option? That is simple; profit. (See Profit before patients and Corporate profits before patients

            The insurance industry is dusting off the scripts/talking papers for their finger puppets we call representatives. Why should we have to re-fight that battle? The insurance industry is poured more than $1 million dollars a day into defeating any effort at change in their profits.  The insurance industry is paid more than 3000 lobbyists for almost a year to run a full court press on legislators. That's six lobbyists for every member of congress. 

            These costly efforts were put forth by the enormous business we know as the insurance industry for only one reason; profit.  Even as these costly measures are undertaken by the insurance industry 45,000 Americans die annually because they lack healthcare insurance. 

            Bill Moyers Journal though no longer on the air is still available online. Moyers presented another look at our healthcare (Money-Driven Medicine). Every American should view the presentation especially our “elected officials.” Of course they don’t read the legislation they later vote on much less watch a program that might enlighten them.  Don’t you be so cavalier.

            For all those compassionate conservative religiosities one more thing. If it wasn’t for government in their business most Americans would still be working for even less than they presently earn in sweatshops, 24/7/365. Consider that.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


Elections 2010: People’s mandate to the lapdogs, transformational or just a Yosemite Sam Tea Party moment?

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45,000 American deaths associated with lack of insurance

Profits before patients (Healthcare insurance reform)

Public Policy and Texas Red
The prison-industrial complex, apartheid public education system, racism and Elections 2010

A recoil against liberalism

Election doesn't end major discord for GOP, Obama

Health insurance reform reality check

Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients

Texans sorely lacking health care insurance
What does the "public" in "public option" really mean?

2009 Fattest Cities in America

More than 1 in 4 in Texas lack health insurance

Library of Congress/Religion

Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way 

The Conscience of a Liberal

Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity
13 Bankers

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Elections 2010: People’s mandate to the lapdogs, transformational or just a Yosemite Sam Tea Party moment?
BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Money and Health Care Reform | PBS

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