Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Elections 2010 outcome:GOPers, Tea Partiers readying to further entrench, spread the williwas of Texas Red…….

It’s not as if GOPers need a reason to rob the poor to give to the rich nor that Tea Partiers need a reason to cling to their guns and bibles or to demand smaller government and the right to be let alone. It is part of their DNA. Their respective predecessors were here in 1776 and probably in Europe and England before that.

Already we have “ Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way.”

The grossly misnamed “right to work” state public policy has long been the source of pride for the state’s governors, its senators and oligarchs. So if paying people chump change and giving them absolutely no rights as employees is supposed to be so good for the state---why are we in an estimated $18 to $25 billion dollar deficit? Why does the state have a deplorable lack of healthcare ranking 49 out of 50? (only New Mexico another GOPer state has worse) Why do we only graduate about half of our high school students? Why do we have the nation’s highest incarceration rate? Doesn’t sound so great to me. Yet we have “politicians and a majority population intent on keeping it that way.”

Here’s another question. Given the recent tupping we the collective received from the GOPer wealthy financial industry oligarchs (Wall Street, the banks and mortgage industry) leaving us bandy legged and less well off---if we get “smaller government” who will monitor the appetites of the oligarchs? We can’t keep up with what’s being done to us as is.

Where would the people of the segregationist (racist) South be absent the executive branch marshaling the national guard to enforce the right of Blacks to attend schools and universities? Still lynching those different from themselves? Blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals?

Where would women, Blacks and those of Hispanic descent be if there were no Civil Rights Act of 1964?  (Rand Paul we already know you think the act should never have been enacted into law)

In our republic we the people are “the government.” Tea Partiers and GOPers make it seem as if some disconnected entity has descended on us from another planet or that a colonizing power has landed to occupy us. Tea Partiers and GOPers talk about taking back the country from this other-worldly power.

GOPers and Tea Partiers are talking about taking the country back from anyone that doesn’t accept their twisted, tortured, tormented world view. It is a world view in which minorities have no rights, capitalist oligarchs reward  their lapdog representatives in congress and other offices, where “smaller government” means no affordable healthcare, more prisons and a feckless apartheid public education for everyone---except the wealthy. Doesn’t sound like anything to my liking.

Well Tea Party and GOPer dudes we’ve met the enemy and it’s us in general but you in particular!

Given the state of the nation’s angst, all we can do is hang on. It is a far cry from creating “a more perfect union.”

The results of the just passed mid-term general election brings to mind the old axiom; be careful what you ask for---you just might get it. Tea Party and GOPer voting folks you asked for it.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


Perry & GOPers set to steal from the poor to give to the rich---- again; how compassionate conservative religiosities….

'A perfect storm': Cities fear next state legislative session will lead to local cuts

The estimate over the state budget shortfall has varied widely. Some Republicans, including Governor Rick Perry, said it would likely end up being around $12 billion. Other Democrats have predicted it would be closer to $25 billion.
But that’s just the beginning. With the Republican sweep of almost two dozen state House races, a major fight is brewing over redistricting. Also, several lawmakers are already touting bills that will take on illegal immigration.
Still, the Texas Municipal League (TML) worries that the state’s budget problems will trickle down to city governments, forcing them to lay off police officers and firefighters.
"We’re concerned about the tendency of the state legislature to balance on the budget on the backs of cities and municipalities," said Bennett Sanlin, the TML’s director

Immigration, voter ID bills filed

AUSTIN – State Rep. Debbie Riddle camped out and endured “creepy” noises inside the cold, empty Capitol to be first in line Monday morning to file legislation targeting illegal immigration and ballot security.

new GOPer Rep hires a Neo-nazi-minded racist whose salary will be paid by our tax dollars…

Incoming congressman Allen West taps outspoken Fla. radio host as chief of staff

Kaufman has been a prominent and controversial voice on the Florida political scene for decades. For example, according to the Miami New Times, she said about illegal immigrants on a 2007 show, "If you commit a crime while you're here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it."

oligarchic entities are creating the future world previously the domain of Hollywood; Escape From New York, Terminator, The Body Snatchers….

How Corporate Interests Got SB 1070 Passed

Arizona's controversial immigration-enforcement law has received a lot of attention from critics who say it encourages racial profiling, and supporters who argue it is a bold step at stopping illegal immigration. But the story of how the law was written involves more economics than politics.

4 million more Americans added to the rolls of the uninsured in just the past two years; wait till the GOPers….
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC
“… Republicans who just took control of the House of Representatives last week have vowed to derail the new law by cutting off the funds for it, and some want to repeal it. Experts from both sides predict gridlock in Congress for the next two years in implementing healthcare reform's provisions.”

Illusions of Justice

The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."

The Conscience of a Liberal

Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity
13 Bankers

Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future

Republicans map out their agenda of less

Immigrant Voter Fraud Fears Didn't Materialize

compassionate conservative euro anglo religiosity majority made the difference?---weirdly usual…..
Weird Findings From 2010's Exit Poll Data
The most important categories are probably white voters and older voters, both of whom shifted Republican far more than the general population. Beyond the raw size of the shift, however, whites are important because their absolute numbers are so big and older voters are important because their big.

A return to the norm
For all the turmoil, the spectacle, the churning - for all the old bulls slain and fuzzy-cheeked freshmen born - the great Republican wave of 2010 is simply a return to the norm. The tide had gone out; the tide came back. A center-right country restores the normal congressional map: a sea of interior red, bordered by blue coasts and dotted by blue islands of ethnic/urban density.
Part 1 - High Noon Geithner v The American Oligarchs

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