Saturday, July 17, 2010

Texas Red: two wrongs don’t make a right---but three left turns do

Left to the politically expedient self-interested representing the “majority”(in Texas Red that’s the “compassionate conservative religiosities”) slavery would be back out in the open, on the ballot as either a referendum or another new law and growth industry. Is it any wonder the founders didn’t set up a “democracy?” Really.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that these are the descendants of those who approved of slavery and owned, bought, sold and traded them until after WWII.
Slavery by Another Name

For those who have forgotten that almost everyone here today didn't start out here the insanity and xenophobia of Arizona law SB 1070 is probably not obvious. This is yet another example of the "majority" going out of its way to deprive and disempower minorities even if it means ignoring the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The majority notwithstanding knowing a wedge issue when they see it are seizing the moment. Brief for 9 states backs Arizona immigration law – what’s next “slavery is a good thing"?

What's Next Arizona Passports?
What Part of 'Unconstitutional' Don't they Understand?

Texas Joins in Political Circus to Support Arizona Immigration Law
Could there be any coincidence that the eight states supporting Arizona’s immigration law are all run by Republican governors or that each state is in the midst of a contentious gubernatorial race?

Consider this:

The Gulf of Mexico is filling up with BP oil, America is still bogged down by a troubling economic recession and Congress has nearly ground to a halt.

So what are the great political minds in America focused on these days, folks? “Illegal Immigrants” and “Anchor Babies.”

Then in a page out of the early 1960’s the “feds” appear to step in and do the right thing.

Justice Department sues Arizona over immigration law

The Justice Department lawsuit charges that the Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigrants conflicts with federal law, would disrupt immigration enforcement and would lead to police harassment of those who cannot prove their lawful status. Filed in federal court in Arizona, it says the state's measure is unconstitutional and asks a judge to stop it from taking effect.

"The Constitution and the federal immigration laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country," the lawsuit says.

Then of course, just when you thought things were stabilizing and certainly things couldn’t get much weirder---or psychotic anyway---the surreal reappears and they do.

Federal prosecution of immigrants soared in spring

FRESNO, Calif. – Federal prosecutions of immigrants soared to new levels this spring, as the Obama administration continued an aggressive enforcement strategy championed under President George W. Bush, according to a new study released Thursday.

Change! Right.

Be that as it may there is some basis for hope.

Why Demography Is Destiny

“...Minorities have increased their share of the vote by 11 percentage points since 1988 and have become even more strongly pro-Democratic than they were eight years ago. Ditto for white college graduates, professionals, women, and the religiously unaffiliated (the fastest growing "religious" group in the country, he reports).

All of these things bode well for long-term Democratic prospects, but there's one more that might be the most important of all: the Millennial vote. Here's the basic demographic breakdown for young voters in the 2008 election:

This was [] the first year the 18- to 29-year-old age group was drawn exclusively from the Millennial generation, and they gave Obama a whopping 34-point margin, 66 percent to 32 percent....Obama got 60 percent of the youth vote or more in every swing state in the 2008 election with the lone exception of Missouri.

....The 2008 election also saw 18- to 29-year-olds increase their share of voters from 17 percent in 2004 to 18 percent....This figure will steadily rise as more Millennials enter the voting pool....The number of Millennials of voting age will increase by about 4.5 million a year between now and 2018. And in 2020 — the first presidential election in which all Millennials will have reached voting age — this generation will be 103 million strong, of which about 90 million will be eligible voters. Those 90 million Millennial eligible voters will represent just under 40 percent of America’s eligible voters.

When political expediency, ambition, racism and ignorance trump the collective's best interests and national principles we are at a watershed moment in our national history.

Hasta Siempre,


9500 Liberty, Arizona, SB 1070, Golfo de Mexico y mas

NAACP resolution condemns racism in tea party

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Leaders of the country's largest civil rights organization accused tea party activists on Tuesday of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.

Feds under pressure to open US skies to drones
Every day around the globe there are at least 7,000 drones, UAVs, in the sky. Today there are more Americans being trained to fly them than to fly conventional airframes. Put another way, there are more predator drones flying and killing in the Obama administration than in the warmongering “w” administration. Change! Right.

But, as my mother used to tell me, two wrongs don't make a right. But I soon figured out that three left turns do.

- Jim Hightower

Budrus: A Palestinian Village and Documentary Film

Budrus: A Palestinian Village and Documentary Filmh

Charlie Rose

Public Policy: Budrus viewed from Bexar County

Latino USA 9July2010: Mendez vs. Westminster (precursor to Brown vs. Board of Education) Public Policy and American “values

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