Thursday, July 15, 2010

Given the recent U.S. – Israeli leader lovefest: do the Palestinians and Middle East peace stand a chance?

Recently President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met and engaged in what amounted to sex in public---lustily moaning the public policy version of eternal love for one another. Given Israel’s military aggressiveness and human and civil rights abuses, that’s too bad.

Not a month ago “Sasha Polakow-Suransky, a senior editor at Foreign Affairs, poured through 7,000 pages of never-before-seen classified South African documents while researching his book, Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa. In it, he relays the minutes and details of conversations between top level officials on both sides that shed light on the extent and nature of Israel's cooperation with and enablement of South Africa's Apartheid regime, both in military and non-military matters.

It was a relationship that benefited both sides: South Africa acquired vital components from Israel to help advance its nuclear programme, while sharing their knowledge and components with Israel as it pursued its own nuclear ambitions.”

Israel's 'unspoken alliance'

Israel , it turns out is a racist nation that dominates the Middle East through U.S. enabled apartheid, just as Jimmy Carter accurately portrayed in this book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid." The Israeli apartheid foreign and domestic policy of bullying, occupying and intimidating is made possible by U.S.taxpayer dollars to the tune of $2B annually in foreign aid the largest amount to any nation.

I doubt I could get $2 dollars in foreign aid to help the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica fend of Anglo-European invaders-occupiers-exploiters. But it appears Jewish-Israeli-Americans have no problem getting $2B dollars worth of American taxpayer dollars out of our lapdog congress routinely to give to Israel.

That this is a simple case of bullying is made blatantly obvious by the fact that no one here could overtly work in solidarity with the Palestinians without being harassed, arrested and prosecuted. The Palestinian people have not made threats to America’s safety. On the contrary through two world wars they worked with this republic.

And oh by the way, all the while Israel continues complaining that Palestinians are a threat to its survival. Israelis whine that Palestinians have sworn to destroy them. Never mind that Israel is the only nuclear nation in the area, occupy and dominate three large areas of Palestinian lands and have the backing of the U.S. military. Given these conditions the hypocrisy and absurdness of the condition is mind-boggling.

Gaza farmers risk being shot

Never mind that Israel has occupied Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights since 1967.

Never mind that Israel has the support of the U.S.

And we have the temerity to ask, “Why do they hate us?” Indeed why would anyone take issue with our foreign policy just because it is racist, xenophobic, emperial and militarily aggressive? Please.

Hasta Siempre,


Israel's 'street apartheid'
"In some areas you could identify some characteristics of apartheid that should raise a lot of concern about the future," Jabareen comments.
A young Israeli Jew, fresh from army service, simply remarks, "It's a kind of psychological warfare. The idea is to get [Palestinians] to leave."

The roots of Israeli exceptionalism
An American academic once told me: "Many people in the Islamic world think America does not believe in human rights, but they are wrong; America believes in human rights indeed, the problem is the American definition of human."

West Bank poverty 'worse than Gaza'

Gaza farmers risk being shot

Obama, Netanyahu talk of 'unbreakable' bond
At White House, Israeli leader says reports of frayed ties are 'flat wrong'

NAACP resolution condemns racism in tea party
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Leaders of the country's largest civil rights organization accused tea party activists on Tuesday of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.

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