Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bexar County: Public Policy: term limits; auto-pilot governance

Recently I was asked by a close family member it is that the notion, the concept of “term limits” seems to be rejected repeatedly.

Just the notion of “term limits” rankles me. Notwithstanding, the folk seem to really take to the non-sensical concept.

There is no need for term limits.

Every election provides a real opportunity to limit any office-holder's term of office. Every election provides a real opportunity to limit any office-holder's term of office. Every election is and should be a form of participatory "term limits."

If voters keep re-electing an officer holder then they have only themselves to blame.

If you limit the number of times an office holder can hold office (term limits) then the real office holder becomes the civilian staff that works in that office.

Every senator, congressman, city coucilman, mayor, governor and etc has a civilian (civil service-type) staff. Those people don't go anywhere. They are there unless they quit, retire or get fired. They are the denizens of “government.”

These denizens should be a good thing---corporate knowledge, institutional memory---but not necessarily so. Often they are just ticks who know the dog that feeds them. No more, no less.

The elected "officicals" known as officer holders depend on them to show them where things are---like the bathroom and etc.

When voters (armed with little more than bias, emotion and anger) vote for term limits the voters are putting those civilians in charge basically oh and those civilians don't run for office---they are beyond the reach of the voter. There’s scant little, if anything, you can do about them.

The longer those non-elected civilians have been in place the more they know. No, not to help you---to survive. Think of them as vampires who have lived across the centuries and about as impossible to get rid of.

It is impossible to have a viable republic, democracy or democratic republic when the constituency (the voters) are completely unschooled, unaware, and almost completely ignorant of their own sytem.

The oligarchs count on this. That's why the rich want the states to own the education system. The elite, the movers and shakers control public education. Your children and you only learn what the system allows.

Our public education system is an "apartheid" public education system. That's the reason why in Texas more youing people go to prison than go to college. Less competition for the rich guys and more money for the owners of the state's prison-industrial complex.

In Texas guilt is not a requirement for being sent to prison---. the system usually fabricates that. While it is not a requirement that you be African-American, Mexican or Mexican-American or poor white (European Anglo) it is an indicator of being on the one-way, fast track to the prison-industrial complex.

So the mix that is left over, the residual population as it were, is who votes and those voters seem always put upon by the fact that it’s necessary to vote.

Instead what these residual voters would prefer is “term limits.” That cancels out the old “politician” without the voter having to do anything. It’s kind of like auto-pilot for our governance.

The problem with that is that when we don’t pay attention because the office holder is term limited the same person in a different body is in charge---usually put there by the special interests.

Auto-pilot like term limits doesn’t work for what was designed as a participatory form of governance. Hence we have Benjamin Franklin’s admonition on being asked what the Constitutional Convention had mid-wived: “A republic; if you can keep it.”

Hasta Siempre,


because in the Lone Star State---face it--- guilt is just not a requirement—we just have to feed the monster.....
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