Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bexar County Elections 2010: transparency in the political arena?

There are few “truths” in life---and maybe that’s for the best. Most people can’t handle the truth. Others probably wouldn’t recognize it.

The folk clamor for “transparency” from its office holders. In truth if there was any “transparency” the folk would “throw the bum out!” That is as American as cherry pie.

The foregoing notwithstanding, the drama, the theater of the absurd we call politics and public policy---a euphemism for “majority rule” feared and loathed by the founders fast approaches. The process keeps people busy, distracted and lulled into thinking that anything they do, think, blog or say is going to make one good goddam bit of difference. It won’t.

Elections merely change out one set of narcissistic set of opportunists for another.

DA Facing a Serious Election Foe

Political/Social Calendar:
• August 20th-22nd- Texas Annual Sales Tax-Free Holiday Weekend-Texas shoppers get a break from state and local sales tax on items of clothing, footwear, and backpacks priced less than $100. This year school supplies are included. Contact Comptroller Susan Combs at 800-252-5555 or

• August 22nd- 8-9:30 a.m. @ Crossroads Baptist morning worship services, 8300 Tezel Road. Come hear Gold Medalist Josh Davis' testimony and see his medals. We will be recognizing all school teachers with a special gift as well! Invite your friends!

• August 26th-Birthday Party & fundraiser for Judge JoAnn DeHoyos, from 5:30-10 p.m. @ Pueblo Hall, 3315 Northwestern. (behind Ingram Park Mall)

Top cover big time---who is this Teflon exterminator’s sponsor? I’ve seen this over and over both in the military and in civil sector…
Justice DeLayed, Again (And Again)

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), responds to the news:

It’s a sad day for America when one of the most corrupt members to ever walk the halls of Congress gets a free pass. As we continue the work of building a Washington that is worthy of the American people, the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute Mr. DeLay for his actions sends exactly the wrong message to current and future members. The fact that Jack Abramoff and Bob Ney (R-OH) are the only two people who went to prison for one of the worst corruption scandals in congressional history is shocking. The Hammer belongs in the slammer. Mr. DeLay still has crimes to answer for in Texas—generally not considered the best place to be a criminal defendant.

Politics is to the philosophy of governance what religion is to the philosophy of spirituality.

Politics (from Greek πολιτικος, [politikós]: «citizen», «civilian»), is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in other group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. It consists of "social relations involving authority or power"[1] and refers to the regulation of a political unit,[2] and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.[3]

Viewed in its most favorable condition politics is “’majority” rule. Today the word has taken on a connotation of “the games people play.” And of course, it is.

“Many of America's Founding Fathers hated the thought of political parties, quarreling "factions" they were sure would be more interested in contending with each other than in working for the common good. They wanted individual citizens to vote for individual candidates, without the interference of organized groups — but this was not to be.”

So it is with little more than a wry sense of humor that I listen to demagogues posturing, pandering and postulating on the notion of “transparency.” The idea that someone who has made a career out of working the majority up into a frenzy with the single intent of having them vote from a reactive emotional state of being that benefits the careerist office holder and promotes a particular point of view---usually having a very agenda-laden intent---(this is known as demagoguery)---rather than from the well thought choice from among possible objective, responsible responses is silly at best.

This is one more reason why it is that in a plurality, i.e. majority rule world those who are different from the average suffer at the hands of the tyrant majority average and are almost always rendered voiceless. It is an unmendable misfortune---one that those coming to the voting process but only once in awhile to vote will never comprehend---much to the chagrin and well being of the nation.

Hasta Siempre,


Elections 2010 Mid-term elections, the predicament and the folk

The first Tuesday in November of even numbered years brings us general elections, scandals and scoundrels.
Joe Driver one of many GOP officials caught in scandal

Bexar County Dems open Headquarters on Broadway

Bexar County inmates may lack mental health assessments

Protesters rallied at the Alamo against election corruption

Poll: Language a barrier for Latinos in schools

U.S. steps up fingerprint program along border, in other areas

Data Show Stimulus Isn't Reaching the Nation's Neediest Counties and States
Stimulus Spending Fails to Follow Unemployment, Poverty

The Bush Tax Cuts and Fiscal Responsibility
What do matter are taxes and entitlements. Therefore, the coming battle over the Bush tax cuts is of real importance. According to the Congressional Budget Office, extending the Bush tax cuts would add $2.3 trillion to the total 2018 debt. The single biggest step our government could take this year to address the structural deficit would be to let the tax cuts expire. And a credible commitment to long-term fiscal sustainability should reduce interest rates today, helping to stimulate the economy.

Judge: Mo. funeral protest ban unconstitutional

Leo Hindery, Jr.: Treasury Secretary Geithner -- 'Spinning' Out of Control

Blagojevich claims federal gov't. persecution

Latino USA

Texas Matters

Fact Check


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