Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Public Policy: Federal budget balancing, the tired…poor, huddled masses…turbulent times..

Yet again “compassionate conservative Christian”bigots are ready to take from the “tired, …poor, …huddled masses yearning to breathe free”, you know like it says on the Statue of Liberty to give to the top 1% of the nation’s wealthy.

Demands on my time are curbing the time I have to commit to my passion, blogging on issues affecting our nation.

Slashing The Federal Budget

House Republicans release a 2012 budget proposal today. It cuts more than $6 trillion from the overall budget over the next ten years, essentially ends Medicare as we know it, and makes dramatic cuts to Medicaid. The plan is also likely to include reductions to the top tax rate for both individuals and corporations. President Obama and lawmakers from both parties have said federal deficits cannot be brought under control without changes to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, but critics of the Republican plan say it puts the deficit burden squarely on the nation’s most vulnerable citizens. Join us for a conversation about the GOP 2012 budget plan and its implications for the overall budget process.

Fixing The National Debt: Control Federal Spending

Wis. Gov. Takes Heat Over Lobbyist's Son's Job

scott walker, the man who says union members get paid too much, apparently thinks an annual salary of $81,000 for a two time DUI arrestee with no degree is okay---why? his dad is a lobbyist…so typical of a compassionate conservative Christian GOPer.
Gov. Scott Walker administration hires, promotes son of veteran lobbyist Jerry Deschane

MILWAUKEE — The administration of Gov. Scott Walker hired the 27-year-old son of a veteran lobbyist, then promoted him to an $81,500-per-year job overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees.
The man who was hired has no college degree and little management experience, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Monday.

A New Hampshire woman is upset that NPR isn't treating Japan's nuclear crisis seriously. Another complains that earthquake coverage is "trivial." Someone wonders if a story about neon lights going dim in Tokyo is worthwhile when 27,000 people are dead or missing.

The Dark Ages mood gripping our nation is amazing but not new. I’ve seen it most of my adult life. What is amazing is that moderating elements are able to keep things from getting any more extreme and conservative.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,




Bexar Co. Democratic Party Acts To Remove Ramos
Party Chairman Dan Ramos Accused Of Misconduct, Derogatory Remarks

New NISD Teachers' Jobs Saved
School Board Decides To Keep 437 New Probationary Teachers

Residency Issue Prevents Student From Graduating
Incident Near Principal's Home Also In Question

way too many wackjobs in D.C. this is the camel’s nose under the tent. It is the event that carries with it the potential for those in power to do to its citizens what we condemn Gaddafi for doing….
U.S. Congressman Silvestre Reyes, a Democrat from El Paso, said he wouldn't rule out drone strikes on drug cartel capos in Mexico. Reyes shared his views during an interview this week with El Paso Inc

Congressman Won't Rule Out Drone Strikes in Mexico
It was only a matter of time before the subject of drone strikes in Mexico came up. Just last week Texas Congressman Michael McCaul, a Republican from Austin, introduced a bill that would label drug cartel members as terrorists and thus ratchet up the criminal penalties. (Does that make all U.S. d

  “It’s All Relative”!+Mail

New Dark Ages here we come…

Tea Party Gains Wide Support Among Conservatives
As Democrats accuse Republican congressional leaders of being co-opted by the Tea Party in the federal budget negotiations, a new survey shows that half of all conservative voters ardently support the movement.

How Western Diets Are Making The World Sick

Why the Housing Market is Three Times Worse Than You Think

Bill Moyers on Plutonomy

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