Saturday, November 13, 2010

$4B mid-term election? We the people need to take the country back from the money-mongers, lapdogs and others…

When I was just a boy my white guy peers would mouth what they had heard their parents say after an election, “it’s the best government money can buy.” Never has that been more the case.

The rockstar wannabe bootlicking lapdogs of the oligarchs of both predominant parties and yes even the darling Tea Partiers demand and after victory proclaim they’re going to “take the country back!” I doubt it.

What these clowns are talking about is that they are moving the nation’s philosophy back into the column that favors their respective master.
This is not what the founders intended. It is the reason the founders did not want political parties. The process as practiced then and even more so today is just a money making machine.

The same people who whine about having their taxes increased (the top 1%) think nothing of making enormous contributions to their favorite political money-machine. (think Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS, American Crossroads)

Why? Not for some brain numbing, eye-glazing esoterically ecomomics-based philosophical purpose that’s for certain. Unless of course, truth be told, that ecomomic-based purpose is to keep the money and power---purely and simply.

A few years ago there was an Hispanic (from Houston if memory serves) and a Black politician (from neo-naziland DFW) who were giving the status quo white guy state-wide office holders (please excuse the expression) “a run for their money.” In one night---literally overnight---Texas Red powers that be raised $24 million dollars for the status quo and kept the compassionate conservative religiosities a/k/a nincompoop mean-spirited, racist white guys in office. A sad but true tale of the power of money.

Money which by the way is still in the hands of the same top 1 percent in America. In that sense we’re not much better than the “thug run Third World countries” the majority folk routinely criticize and belittle.

The answer? The pundits, office holders, political scientists, and most lucid folk know but are impotent, powerless to make so because the big money interests are just too powerful in our “democracy.” As I have long believed our culture (republic/capitalist state) is a delicate balance between the host and the parasite. Capitalists have a stranglehold on our republic and are pleased as punch to keep it that way.

If “democracy” is “the top 1 percent is worth more and is therefore more powerful than the bottom 95 percent”---it sounds like not much of a “democracy” to me. I’m just saying…I could be wrong---but I doubt it.

If that’s “democracy” what else have you got? If money = "democracy" then it is so in a twisted, tortured, tormented way. You know like in Animal Farm. We're all equal it's just that some of us are more equal. I mean what with the top 1% being worth more than the bottom 95% (and driven to keep things that way).

Not to put too fine a point on it:

Stunning Statistics of the Week:
• $97: The amount per vote spent by Nevada Republican Sharron Angle and Connecticut Republican Linda McMahon – a record
• $69: The amount per vote spent by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
• $33: The average cost of a vote in the midterms

Koch Industries spent $1.7 million on midterms
Koch Industries, the company run by two wealthy conservative brothers, spent nearly $1.7 million in the midterms, Capitol News Connection reports. The expenditures included $1.2 million to 169 congressional candidates, most of which were Republicans or Tea Party candidates, and $439,750 to 65 leadership political action committees.

Want an appointment with a senator? Better hope you’re a lobbyist
A Colorado business consultant tried a little experiment during the health care debate: He called senators’ office and asked for an appointment. Sometimes he called as a private citizen, sometimes as a business lobbyist. As a lobbyist, he got meetings with senators nearly four times as often as when he was seeking a meeting as a concerned citizen. As a lobbyist, he scored 25 meetings with staffers and two with senators; but as a citizen, not a single senator would meet with him to discuss the health care bill.

Say it isn’t so---there is no conservative activists on the bench---pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...I am the great and powerful white guy compassionate conservative religiosity
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Alito puts his money behind conservative causes
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was spotted recently at a fundraiser for the conservative magazine American Spectator along with such heavyweights as Michael Steele, chair of the Republican National Committee. In the past, Alito – known for siding with business and conservatives in his court rulings – has helped raise money to help conservative candidates. When a Think Progress blogger confronted Alito at the magazine’s fundraiser and questioned the propriety of his political activity, Alito replied, “It’s not important that I’m here.” Right.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,

$4B mid-term election? We the people need to take the country back from monied

Public Policy: on the prison-industrial complex, ALEC, SB 1070 and the art of double-speak

Elections 2010 What will Tea Party, GOPer mid-term wins mean for immigration, prison-industrial complex? 

Elections 2010 outcome:GOPers, Tea Partiers readying to further entrench, spread the williwas of Texas Red…….

Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way
(part one)

The Conscience of a Liberal

Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity

13 Bankers

Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future 

Bill Moyers on Plutonomy

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