Saturday, September 25, 2010

Elections 2010: Of Frankenfish, oligarchs and the Tea Party

Who we as a collective, that is the “majority” allegedly, that is supposedly, elect to represent us is tantamount to dictating public policy and the resulting condition on everyone including those who didn’t vote with the majority. As a reminder, it’s what the founders thought was tyranny by majority.

I say allegedly or supposedly because I’ve never personally followed my vote from point of entry to conclusion, nor has anyone else I know. Put another way, I’ve never personally placed my ballot in the hands of the candidate for any office.

In my lifetime I’ve seen some election results that were at best questionable at worst stolen. (JFK, Bush 2).

Then there’s the fact of locked ballot boxes with false bottoms, easily stuffable with uncast but no less counted ballots around almost from day one.

In the electronic age insuring campaign outcome is child’s play.

A History of Disenfranchised Florida Voters

a not very well or bright individual, you know in your heart it’s what the Christ would have wanted…
Virginia Executes a Woman for 1st Time in US Since 2005

Compassionate conservative Christians dividing the nation
Supreme Court Justice Scalia Takes On Women's Rights

Turning An Inconvenient Eye On Public Education An Inconvenient Eye On Public Education&segment=2&pubdate=2010-09-22

Stuxnet malware is 'weapon' out to destroy ... Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant?

Extending The Law Of War To Cyberspace

why? Why not just provide Tricare for our veterans? It’s more economically viable….
Cornyn says he'll try for a Valley veterans hospital, again

US Official: CIA Runs Elite Afghan Fighting Force

Children of al-Qaeda in Iraq pay for sins of their fathers

Dog Days Of Summers.. Senate Blocks DADT Repeal, DREAM Act.. Murkowski Loses Energy Panel Post.. Orrin Hatch Won't Touch Issue Of Self Abuse

The Secret Life of Lead

Fishy Tale
Sounds good on the surface, but seen in the larger context of American fisheries, it doesn't make much sense. While the government seeks to boost farmed salmon supplies through transgenics, it is simultaneously letting wild salmon go to pot. At the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, the spawning grounds of perhaps the most productive wild salmon runs left on earth, the international mining giant, Anglo American plans to construct pebble mine. The largest open pit copper and gold mine in the US. Mines of this nature are notoriously bad for fish. Just this summer, a copper mine failure in China's Ting River killed millions of fish. A similar disaster in the Bristol Bay fishery could mean the destruction of around a quarter of a billion pounds of fish.

Precariously, about the same amount of salmon that Aquabounty hopes to produce with its transgenic fish. US Environmental Protection Agency has the power to stop Pebble Mine through the Clean Water Act, but has so far failed to act.

Mid-turmoil on Climate
TAJ: Actually several of these Republican candidates have gone a step further and are actually questioning the science of climate change, not just the policy proposals to solve it.
YOUNG: So, I noticed Christine O'Donnell and a lot of the Republican candidates have signed on to something that's called the 'no climate tax pledge.' What's that all about?
TAJ: That's a pledge to taxpayers that says basically 'I'll oppose any climate change legislation that increases government revenues.' And, so far, some six hundred politicians have signed onto the pledge. And the group behind it, Americans for Prosperity, is funded by David and Charles Koch, two brothers who run a big petrochemical conglomerate called Koch Industries. And, they've been very active in supporting the Tea Party movement and also in funding opposition to environmental regulations. The green group Greenpeace reports that Koch has spent fifty million dollars to help kill regulations on green house gasses. And, Koch industry's response is that it's just promoting economic and intellectual freedom and not opposing any particular piece of legislation.

ah those goofy wackjobs…..
O'Donnell Aide: Obama Is a Secret Muslim

Hasta Siempre,


so about the Mexican drug cartel thing----it’s not likely to go away…..
Report: Illegal drug use up sharply last year
Kerlikowske attributed the rise in meth abuse to more people getting around the law and an increase in meth coming across the border with Mexico.

The rise in marijuana use comes as California voters prepare to decide in November whether to legalize the drug. An Associated Press-CNBC poll earlier this year found that most Americans still oppose legalizing marijuana, but larger majorities believe it has medical benefits and want the government to allow its use for that purpose.

Medical marijuana sales in the 14 states that allow it have also taken off since the federal government signaled last year that it wouldn't prosecute marijuana sellers who follow state rules. The survey does not distinguish between medicinal and non-medicinal marijuana use.

so the Mexican drug cartel thing----it’s not likely to go away…..
Report: Illegal drug use up sharply last year

on the other hand in states that don’t have their collective heads up their collective….
Medical Marijuana Growers Join Teamsters Union

The Conscience of a Liberal

Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity

James Kwak and Simon Johnson Pt 1

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