Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bexar County and (Texas Red) Primary Election Results

Should you entertain any doubts about the philosophical direction of the majority fine folk of the Lone Star state---Tuesday’s primary election results should disabuse you.

It is amazing that candidates with the high visibility of Hutchison and Perry take credit for conditions in Texas---on purpose.

Perry talks about how much business he has brought to the state. Yet our unemployment rates continue to climb. Oh and by the way, though the state needs the money to pay unemployment benefits Perry rejected federal money for that purpose.

Interestingly, though Perry claims credit for bringing business to Texas it seems those businesses are the only ones who have benefited receiving generous tax breaks even as the average working stiff in Texas earns only chump change. Texas is after all a “right to work state.”

The only jobs our leaders created last year were created (No matter what Perry tries to insist) by the stimulus package.

Texas lost over 300,000 jobs last year; about one-third that many, 89,000 were created by the stimulus. Perry? He won’t own up to that.

The working stiffs of the state endure an embarrassing lack of healthcare and an apartheid public education system.

Texas ranks 49 out of 50 states in the healthcare provided its citizens. Six of the ten counties in the nation that provide the least healthcare are located in (you guessed it) Texas. More of our students go on to prison than college.

“No child left behind” notwithstanding Texas is at the bottom of the list of states in providing even the pathetic apartheid public education it does.

No other governor in the nation can boast having executed 204 inmates during their term of office---some of whom might even have been guilty.

Hutchison for her part was there to support former senator Phil Gramm and his wife Wendy in their successful efforts in bringing about the de-regulation that brought us the economic catastrophe we now know as the great recession.

The people of the state of Texas have spoken.

Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way.

No wonder the founders believed that majority rule was tyranny by majority.

More:  Bexar County

Texas Results

Perry wins Republican nomination without a runoff

Voters Spank Far Right in State Board of Education Elections

Incumbent Montemayor wins Democratic Primary

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