Tuesday, November 30, 2010

America’s prejudice, bias toward anything different---isms die hard

Prejudice, bias (racism, sexism) against anything different: race, gender, and now homosexuality die hard---if at all.

It was 66 degrees and very humid this time 24 hours ago. While it is not the promised 40 (ksat) degrees it is a few degrees cooler (62) and only 18% humidity as the day rolls out. Okay. Not great---but okay.

See in the news that the "Dream Act" protesters at our esteemed ontological vacuum-senator kbh’s office were arrested that is typically what is done by the Euro Anglo majority to uppity minorities. Then again, when I was a boy that was the objective of a sit in…..

More on that soon…

It was 1980 when new to the military I became aware that women were only just being accepted as “regular” members of the military. However, at that time women were still mostly working at what were then considered traditional “women’s jobs.” This was not quite two generations (32 years) after African-Americans had been “integrated” into the military (1948).

Flash forward another 32 years and this time it’s homosexuals’ turn to be protected by the Constitution---maybe.

It is amazing to me that five centuries after Euro Anglos stepped on the shores of the Western Hemisphere it took less time to decimate the native population and create urban sprawl than to provide civil rights to minorities.

Hispanics and African-Americans have been a presence in the Western Hemisphere for at least five centuries. However, it’s only been in the last four decades that they have experienced the most significant strides in civil rights and thus have only just begun to practice dreaming the American Dream.

For others the American Dream is just that a dream and little more. The laws of the nation apply to homosexuals as they do to us all. Homosexuals are not exempted for example from the penalties associated with our criminal laws or taxes. Selective laws are however, deemed to apply to all except homosexuals contrary to the equal protection clause of our Constitution.

Only 1.3% of the American population will ever wear the uniform. Ours is an all “volunteer” military. Though as crappy as the economy is the military is one of the few viable options for most Americans it’s still pretty much “volunteer.”

Public Policy shouldn’t be contrary to the best interests of the nation and its citizens but often it is. If that is a reflection of the public sentiment what is referred to as “democracy” then how minorities were ever able to attain any rights is a mystery.

More amazing is that those hateful, mean-spirited and selfish when it comes to ensuring the right afforded by the U.S. Constitution call themselves compassionate conservative Christians. Strange but not unexpected in Texas Red and increasingly U.S. Red.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


Seventy percent of the 400,000 active-duty and reserve troops surveyed in an upcoming Pentagon report said the effect of repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy would be positive, mixed or nonexistent.

April 19, 2010
The very first bill that President Obama signed into law dealt with equal pay for women, but activists say it's done little to close the ongoing difference between what men and women earn.
The law -- the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act -- may have extended the amount of time victims have to file discrimination cases, but it hasn't changed this fact: Women, on average, earn only 77 cents to a man's dollar, and the disparity is greater for women of color.

April 19, 2010
The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments Monday in a major case testing whether state colleges and universities can deny official status and subsidies to student groups that bar homosexuals and other groups from membership. The case could affect public colleges and universities across the country, and it puts the court in the middle of a long struggle by Christian activists who contend that their rights are violated on campus by secular rules.


U.S. Supreme Court Affirms UC Hastings’ Policy in Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, et al. Decision


Bill Moyers Journal – Marriage Trial


Pentagon study: Gays could serve with no harm

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Bill Moyers Essay: The Health Care Lobby | PBS (excellent)


Monday, November 29, 2010

Elections 2010 lead to public policy---however twisted, tortured and tormented

As usual up early and reading on the topic of Euro Anglo bully racists. Seems where the Euro Anglo sets foot no one of color is safe. Also sanctioned hackers, probably those hired by Euro Anglo elected representatives in Israel, the U.S. England or elsewhere managed to cause a "denial of service" to wikileaks even as wikileaks leaked diplomatic cables to the world. While these Euro Anglo Israeli’s were at it they also knocked off an Iranian physicist.

The cables are evidence of the concerted efforts of the global oligarchs to rule the world---much as they always have. It is a little more difficult if evidence of them are being broadcast by wikileaks.

It is evidence that it isn't "conspiracy theory nut" paranoia but reality that the "unseen" hand is orchestrating events on the world stage.

WikiLeaks says was denial-of-service attack victim

The online website WikiLeaks on Sunday blamed the temporary outage of its site on a denial-of-service attack by unknown hackers trying to prevent its release of hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. State Department documents.

US tries to contain damage from leaked cables

Iran blames U.S., Israel in bombing death of physicist Massoud Ali-Mohammadi

Meanwhile here at home;

Man Without A Country
How immigration reform--and a Texan from Bangladesh--got caught in the deportation dragnet.

Borders to offer $15 gift cards for public schools


Because in Texas Red, guilt is just not a requirement! It’s nice to have but “they” know you did it so its’ not absolutely necessary. DNA evidence and all that scientific mumbo-jumbo just gets in the way of a good clean kill.
DNA Tests Undermine Evidence in Texas Execution
New results show Claude Jones was put to death on flawed evidence.

and this is considered a good thing? At best it was state muscle to help special interests. At worst, foisting morals of the majority on us all. What a goombah.
Lawyer helped close down Galveston gambling houses in 1950s
James Simpson: 1923-2010

Once there was a time when we were much better, more than just another bully with empire intents---but that was a long time ago.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


Don't Vote, It Just Encourages the Bastards.
PJ O'Rourke

WATCH: When Sarah Palin Attacks

When Congressmen Attack!
Pistols, canes, bowie knives, and fireplace tongs: a brief history of congressional violence.

Lost Bill Moyers Documentary The Secret Government 1987 P1


A People's History of the United States – Howard Zinn

Profiles in Courage

13 Bankers

Winner take all Politics

Slavery by Another Name

Illusions of Justice

The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."

The Powers That Be

The Best and the Brightest

Public Policy: Are we a post-racial America? Not likely but we are busy exporting our “values”

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Public Policy: It’s not about “values” it’s about prejudice, ignorance and intolerance

At best as the day begins I find my mood a tad on the cranky side. There’s no particular reason though it is psychotically cold out---presently 28 degrees and 21 wind chill degrees. Psychotically cold because all of last week when I was out running at o’dark early it was 72 degrees and that was as cool as the day and week would be for November 2010 until now. Days were at almost 90 degrees. The precipitous drop to 21 wind chill degrees from one day to the next is at best psychotic. A 70 degree mood swing in such a short period of time is a little more than the average human endures in good humor. It is not much different than living on the moon.

Be that as it may I find insult heaped on injury on glancing at local headlines. Have I mentioned that elections lead to public policy and vice-versa? It’s not about “values” it’s about prejudice, ignorance and intolerance.

Willie Nelson Booked On Marijuana Charge

Compassionate conservative religiosities voted into office by like minded constituents create an air of intolerance and constraint not much different than living in say, Russia, China or some other oppressive state.

That sense is made the more offensive, if not outright repugnant, by the hypocritical support by those same compassionate conservative religiosity constituents of representatives who coddle, defend and protect big tobacco and the liquor industry among so many of the poor helpless billions of dollars industries.

Big tobacco kills millions around the world and about half a million Americans every year. In exchange it gets tax credits, members of the house and senate at its beck and call and best of all American taxpayer backed indemnification (insurance). Taxpayers bear the cost (in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually) of treating through Medicare and Medicaid those injured and killed by big tobacco.

If any of us was to produce a product that killed that many people, then expected taxpayers to pay for damages created by that product we would probably be in prison. Instead big tobacco gives house leaders payoff checks to distribute on the floor of congress for a job well done.

Big tobacco also has local, state and federal law enforcement to shakedown anyone trying to cut in on its action, marijuana for example. Pretty nice set up seems like.

The liquor industry has a very similar arrangement even though a recent study finds that liquor is more lethal than heroin or cocaine. By the way, liquor is also more widely used and abused.

Those compassionate conservative religiosities---what a great bunch, no?

Meanwhile in San Antonio, Texas Red law enforcement is back to its 1960’s and 1970’s practice of shooting teenagers especially if they happen to be members of a minority.

Teen Shot By Officer In Stable Condition

14-Year-Old Shot, Killed By Police Officer Identified


During the 60’s and 70’s Texas Red law enforcement officers were brutal at best, barbaric in practice with a strong underlying racism, homophobia and sexism. They were unbridaled and abusive---gang members. Yet again the service acting as henchmen for the majority.

I cannot too strongly restate that these are but two types of conditions which gave the founders reason to fear democracy alternatively labeled “mobocracy” and tyranny by majority. 

Well at least Willie was released on bond. It’s more than I can say for one dead teen and one hospitalized.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


George Carlin describing facts about this plutocracy/Oligarchy

WATCH: When Sarah Palin Attacks

When Congressmen Attack!
Pistols, canes, bowie knives, and fireplace tongs: a brief history of congressional violence.

More Marines Back "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Seventy percent of the 400,000 active-duty and reserve troops surveyed in an upcoming Pentagon report said the effect of repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy would be positive, mixed or nonexistent.

A People's History of the United States – Howard Zinn

Profiles in Courage

13 Bankers

Winner take all Politics

Slavery by Another Name

Illusions of Justice

The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."

The Powers That Be

The Best and the Brightest

Public Policy: Are we a post-racial America? Not likely but we are busy exporting our “values”

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tobacco, big pharma, “legal” drugs costing & killing us; but marijuana illegal

How often have you heard it said, “follow the money.” You don’t need a Sherpa, GPS or hound. It does help to be awake and pay attention.

Ours is a culture of many contradictions. We are a “peace loving” nation created by slaves and the annihilation of the natives and simultaneously the appropriation of the continent by Euro Anglos. That fledgling nation was connected and developed largely by the harnessed labor of foreign born laborers afforded few, if any, of the rights they enabled the few to enjoy.

We are also a “peace loving” nation that engages in violent war at least once a generation---capitalism being the only necessary, if unspoken, justification.

We also take a great deal of pride in our presidents. Many, if not most, of whom have been charlatans whose only claim to fame has been a willingness to be obedient lapdogs of the rich and powerful. Their prime directive once in office being to safeguard the status quo for the oligarchs at the expense of the nation and its citizens.

This is what Euro Anglos call the Golden Rule, “Who owns the gold, makes the rules.”

Many examples come to mind. The big tobacco companies are responsible for the deaths of almost half a million Americans and 5 million people world wide every year. Now we add to that 600,000 from second-hand smoke.

On any given day we see or hear attorney ads trolling for people to join class action lawsuits against  pharmaceuticals whose wonder drugs of yesterday are today’s defendants.

Capitalist oligarchs (big tobacco, pharma, banks, wall street) have the money with which to convince our elected representatives to do their bidding. The alternative is to find themselves drawing well funded, oligarch enabled opposition at their next election---not to mention swift boat style ads funded by more special interests.

So it is that the opposition to marijuana is little more than big tobacco fighting off anything that might cut into their profit margin and stranglehold on our republic. Our “law enforcement” is in essence the enforcement for the oligarchs’ way of life. Think of it as Tony Soprano’s henchmen shaking down anyone daring enough to muscle in on their turf. That is simply the way it is. Oh and by the way, we the people are the indemnifiers, the insurance company for big tobacco.

It is reflected in headlines that read:

Authorities find Mexico-to-San Diego drug tunnel

It is the second major drug tunnel discovery in the area in less than a month. Earlier this month, American authorities confiscated 20 tons of pot they say was smuggled through another tunnel, while Mexican authorities seized more than 4 tons of the drug south of the border.

Few pay attention to the headlines that oppose big tobacco, the liquor industry and other established oligarchic forces. Here’s are a couple.

More Than 600,000 People Killed By 2nd-Hand Smoke (but marijuana is illegal?)

"This helps us understand the real toll of tobacco," said Armando Peruga, a program manager at the World Health Organization's Tobacco-Free Initiative, who led the study. He said the approximately 603,000 deaths from secondhand smoking should be added to the 5.1 million deaths that smoking itself causes every year.

Experts said the study should prompt countries to reconsider how they classify drugs. For example, last year in Britain, the government increased its penalties for the possession of marijuana. One of its senior advisers, David Nutt - the lead author on the Lancet study - was fired after he criticized the British decision.
"What governments decide is illegal is not always based on science," said van den Brink. He said considerations about revenue and taxation, like those garnered from the alcohol and tobacco industries, may influence decisions about which substances to regulate or outlaw.
"Drugs that are legal cause at least as much damage, if not more, than drugs that are illicit," he said.

Meanwhile there are average Americans who pay the price.

In a small East Texas town, one man fights for his right to medical marijuana-and suffers the consequences.


So many charts, so little blog. Which chart should I show you from yesterday's release of the latest global comparison of health care prices? How about the cost of hip replacements?
The "average" US cost is $34,454. That's twice what it costs in Germany, three times what it costs in France, and six times what it costs in Switzerland. WTF?

And make no mistake it is largely the healthcare insurance industry's lust for profits that keeps the costs related to healthcare spiraling upward.

Presently Americans suffer healthcare costs that run between $2.2 and 2.4 trillion dollars a year. At the same time 59 million Americans go without healthcare. Only the state of New Mexico has less healthcare for its citizens than Texas Red.

Much of that cost is created by capitalists including; big pharmaceuticals, tobacco, soft drink industry, fast food business, and don't forget both the military-industrial complex and the prison-industrial complex.

These are the same oligarchic forces that have had our republic in a stranglehold since at least the mid-19th Century.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


George Carlin describing facts about this plutocracy/Oligarchy

Profits before patients (Healthcare insurance reform)

A People's History of the United States – Howard Zinn

Profiles in Courage

13 Bankers

Winner take all Politics

Slavery by Another Name

Illusions of Justice

The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."

The Powers That Be

Thursday, November 25, 2010

On Thanksgiving Day; Corporate Profits Hit New Record, U.S. Workers Still Struggling

Elections 2010 This Thanksgiving Day the top 1% are much more well off than the many

While most of us have a great deal for which to be grateful---the day also serves to remind us that there are many who do not.

Just over the past two years an additional 4 million of our fellow Americans have lost their healthcare insurance bringing the total of our republic’s uninsured to 59 million.

On any given day at least 38 million of our fellow Americans many of them children have no idea whether they will have a next meal and if so, what the source of the meal will be.

At least 18 million of our fellow Americans have lost their jobs over the past three years. Of those 8 million are jobs that are either obsolete or not returning.

Almost 10 million of our fellow Americans have lost their homes to foreclosure since 2008.

7 million of our fellow Americans are tethered to an ever expanding prison-industrial complex.

200,000 of our fellow Americans and military veterans are homeless.

Texas Red has the lowest high school graduation rates.

Sadly, given the tone and timber of the GOPers, Tea Partiers and Blue Dogs (sound like gang names, don’t they?) it is much unlikely that any member of any of these “parties” is going to make any effort any time soon to remedy  any of the foregoing conditions.

The consequences of our elections lead to public policy that while benefiting a few is inimical to the balance of our population.

Until and unless we can think and act as a nation ready to help one another the deterioration will continue and may well sooner or later include many of those reading this.

Thankful for tender mercies and small favors. Wish your family and you safe, peaceful days of Thanksgiving.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,

Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC
“… Republicans who just took control of the House of Representatives last week have vowed to derail the new law by cutting off the funds for it, and some want to repeal it. Experts from both sides predict gridlock in Congress for the next two years in implementing healthcare reform's provisions.”

Texas Has Lowest High School Graduation Rates

7.9 million jobs lost - many forever

1 in 6 Americans goes hungry

2.3 Million Americans Now in Jail or Prison

200,000 war veterans homeless in US


The prison-industrial complex, apartheid public education system, racism and Elections 2010

and for all the right-wing chamber of commerce types whining, bitching and ranting---things couldn’t be better for the oligarchs; for you and me not so much.
BUSINESS FURIOUS AT WHITE HOUSE FOR DOUBLING ITS WEALTH - Major corporations are dug in against the White House, furious at the size of their profit statements and bonus checks and angry that the Dow has nearly doubled on Obama's watch.


The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."

Illusions of Justice

A People's History of the United States – Howard Zinn

 BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Honoring Veterans | PBS


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Texas Red elections 2010 still more fallout, seasonal gorging and autumn’s colors

All about most people are running ‘round more concerned with the machinations of preparing for a “traditional” Thanksgiving Day gorging---at least those who still have jobs and can afford it---than in reflecting on the conditions in which it will be celebrated this time.

This time sedentary, overweight and about to become more so Americans confident in their oligarch-created, tax payer-purchased weapons of mass destruction and drones, tear off another piece of meat or grope for another pie as they sit to watch a few hours of mind-numbing, skull crushing violence in 3-D. It could well be today’s metaphorical equivalent of the anecdotal Nero fiddling as Rome burns to the ground.

Meanwhile, the fallout from another tradition of the season the autumn elections continues to usher in another pass time of “the Fall”; watching the colors turn. In this case, yes you guessed it—to Texas Red.

I’ve mentioned at least once (correct me if I’m mistaken) that Alexander Hamilton referred to the masses as “the Beast.” He truly feared where the votes of the average citizen armed mostly with emotion, prejudice and little else might take us. Given the results of election 2010 and the history of the South in general and Texas Red in particular Hamilton’s apprehensions may have been more than justified.

Meanwhile, across the “cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way” that is Texas Red:

Veteran Democrat concedes Texas House race
(Reuters) - Veteran south Texas Congressman Solomon Ortiz conceded defeat overnight in the hotly contested 27th District race, giving another victory to Tea Party-backed Republicans.
Republicans gained at least 62 House seats in the November election and will have a majority when the new Congress convenes in January.

Zedler to support Paxton, not Straus, in Texas House speaker's race
AUSTIN -- Incoming state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, threw his support Monday behind Rep. Ken Paxton, R-McKinney, in the three-way race for House speaker.
Rep. Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, who became speaker in 2009, is seeking re-election but has drawn opposition from Paxton and Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa.
House members will elect a speaker at the outset of the 82nd Legislature in January.
In another development in the increasingly bitter leadership contest, the House General Investigating and Ethics Committee will review allegations today from Rep. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, who said he was told that lawmakers who do not support Straus would be punished through legislative redistricting.
Read more: http://www.star-telegram.com/2010/11/22/2652411/zedler-to-support-paxton-not-straus.html#ixzz16BxlU8nl
From day one there has been a scary, psychotic schism between left and right in his nation. And I know we are told that the center is what wins elections. There is cold comfort in that. Compromise is a condition in which no one gets what they would have liked.

Political divide between coasts and Midwest deepening, midterm election analysis shows
Results from November's midterm elections have exposed a deepening political divide between cities on the coasts and the less-dense areas in the middle of the country.

Schools Find Achievement Gap Tough To Close

Despite ongoing research and theorizing, the educational achievement of black boys and young black men continues to lag behind their white peers, nationwide. James Earl Davis of Temple University's College of Education and Pedro Noguera, author of The Trouble With Black Boys discuss.

and then there is this style diatribe so familiar to me—it’s all I heard throughout the time I served the nation… well that and complete disrespect for the one Democratic president I served throughout my 30 years of service. It is apparent to me that I have much work to do the body and mind snatchers are hard at work.
Allen West, one of two black Republicans just elected to House, goes against grain
On the campaign trail, West found support among anti-establishment groups, including the tea party and motorcycle clubs. He briefly hired as his chief of staff Joyce Kaufman, a local conservative talk radio commentator. She resigned amid controversy over inflammatory comments she made, including disparaging illegal immigrants and referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as "garbage."
West responded by saying he is "even more focused that this liberal, progressive, socialist agenda, this left-wing, vile, vicious, despicable machine that's out there is soundly brought to its knees."

and for all the right-wing chamber of commerce types whining, bitching and ranting---things couldn’t be better for the oligarchs; for you and me not so much.
BUSINESS FURIOUS AT WHITE HOUSE FOR DOUBLING ITS WEALTH - Major corporations are dug in against the White House, furious at the size of their profit statements and bonus checks and angry that the Dow has nearly doubled on Obama's watch.

then there’s the truly frightening. This is when you see why it is Hamilton feared “democracy” so much. Right-wingers must think the election is like DWTS.

Palin book fuels speculation of White House bid

Difference between left and right---in case you weren’t certain……

And in the real world…….
Thanksgiving need at area food pantries reaches record levels

Reversals by immigration officials are sowing mistrust

Marine whistleblower Franz Gayl: Security clearance removal is retaliation
Gayl and some former colleagues say that these charges were trumped up, the culmination of a three-year pattern of retaliation by the Corps' leadership for the embarrassment that he caused and his continued efforts to hold officials accountable for ignoring an urgent request for help by soldiers under fire. [this was decent in stark contrast to Rumy's calloused indifference]

Though I’ll be staying away from the “traditional” celebration of the season---just as always---I am grateful for small favors and tender mercies.

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Hunger in America | PBS

The Conscience of a Liberal

Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity
13 Bankers

Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future

Republicans map out their agenda of less

The Trouble With Black Boys: And Other Reflections on Race, Equity, and the Future of Public Education


Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Texas Red’s (moral) majority frightened, confused, angry, hateful GOPers vote their faith. Amen.

Texas Red’s (moral) majority of frightened, confused, angry and hateful GOPer faithful showed up at the polls across the nation---in droves---and they want to be in charge.  Amen.

While listening to NPR’s Morning Edition this past week I heard a story that offended, frightened and left me feeling more insecure about the future of the republic than ever. It also called to mind the words of one of my favorite philosophers and poets that I’ll discuss at the close of this blog.

Of course I’m making what I believe to be fairly safe assumptions about the woman. Since she was running for a prosecutor’s post I naturally assume she is a licensed attorney. Because she is/was a licensed attorney I felt compelled to assume she is a law school graduate. Which in turn compelled me to believe she is a college/university graduate.

The real leap of faith came in further assuming that since she is a licensed attorney she is at least 18 years of age. If so and running for office I further assumed she had voted before---at least once.

So imagine my surprise to hear the newly elected New Mexico governor share that at the point in time when she was preparing to run for district attorney as a democrat she had “a” discussion with GOPers and instantly experienced the epiphany that she, too, was really a GOPer!

Maybe it’s just me---but the idea that someone capped, gowned and diploma-ed (twice), licensed, voting and about to run for an office that impacts hundred’s if not thousands of lives comes late to the notion that she is really not what she thought. What am I missing?

As if having one more GOPer state governor wasn’t enough I then had to suffer the existence of Texas Red’s  “w” clone governor and his absurd fringe element notions.

This is the guy who wants “smaller government” but wants to send chingos of U.S. troops to invade another sovereign nation of mostly brown people who are not in charge of anything. This time its Mexico. Mexico interestingly is run by Euro Anglos no different than those who have run things here for at least three centuries and really almost half a millennia.

Be that as it may---what’s smaller about massively increasing the U.S. military's involvement in foreign affairs? Maybe like “w” he just doesn’t realize that the military is a part of our government paid for with tax dollars. In the Texas’ governor’s defense that’s a very real possibility.

Or maybe he just thinks like “w” that if he keeps the proposed defense cost off the budget it will somehow cost less or the taxpayers won’t notice. (Hey, it worked for “w” didn’t it?)  Recall this is the numbskull who laments the deficit, claims to have done so much for the people of the state while creating and carrying an $18 to 25B dollar one for Texas Red. Nice.

Or maybe he’s just using the “w”/Rove playbook on how to stay in office by invading sovereign nations without prior provocation. It does distract the compassionate conservative religiosities. And don’t forget that as Houdini put it, “What the eye’s see and the ear’s hear, the mind believes.” In the majority population that’s fairly much a given.

Oh and by the way this is the same guy who doesn’t like it when the “feds” tell him what to do. But he is more than willing to go and tell a sovereign nation what to do, how to do it and in fact is doing it for them? Hello! Is anybody home?

Of course it worked for “w” and being a “w” clone what’s a Euro Anglo whose prisons are filling up, jobs and majority population are on the wane to do? Maybe it’s a kind of last hoorah! The drowning swimmer's kick.

The only thing scarier than “w’s” clone is the state’s majority population of compassionate conservative Christians willing to reelect him to conduct himself as they---the majority population do in very un-Christ-like fashion. But don’t tell them that. They’ll just get p—sed-off and shoot you. Or maybe decide to declare you an illegal alien or an enemy combatant---throw you in one of ALEC’s “detention centers” or Guantanamo. Very Christ-like. The Christ did that to people all the time. Didn’t he?

At the outset of this blog entry I wrote that New Mexico’s new governor  was surprised that a prosecutor
would be a GOPer as well (no surprise to me).  I can’t let the opportunity pass to mention that only New
Mexico has worse healthcare for its citizens than Texas Red. It all makes sense in a twisted, tortured, 
tormented way I suppose.

I mentioned that the words of one of my favorite philosopher/poets came to mind.

“Lord have mercy on the man who doubts what he’s sure of.”

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,


Texas Red’s (moral) majority frightened, confused, angry, hateful GOPers vote their faith. Amen.

In a small East Texas town, one man fights for his right to medical marijuana-and suffers the consequences

The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."
Public Policy: on the prison-industrial complex, ALEC, SB 1070 and the art of double-speak

Elections 2010 What will Tea Party, GOPer mid-term wins mean for immigration, prison-industrial complex?

Public Policy: the prison-industrial complex, ALEC, SB 1070 social engineering and the art of double-speak part 2
Elections 2010

The Conscience of a Liberal

Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity
13 Bankers

Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class

Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future

Republicans map out their agenda of less

George Carlin Talks War And American Politics


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Elections 2010: in Texas Red things only get more so as compassionate conservative Christians rule the day…

It is said that success breeds success and judging from the results of the recent right-wing, GOPer/Tea Partier driven mid-term election---it is so. Frightened, confused, angry and hateful GOPer faithful showed up in droves.

In Texas Red the net result is that 23 of the state’s 32 congressional seats will be GOPer filled. This means in essence that the status of Texas Red is that of pretty much a totalitarian state since the governor’s mansion, both houses of the legislature and for most of recent history is almost the entire state supreme court are GOPer controlled.

That brings us back to the fact that aside from blogging this constant reminder in Texas Red I am voice-less. I am taxed without any viable, articulate, non-ontological vacuum representation at either the state or national level. It is yet another reminder of the reason the nation was set up as a republic and not a democracy.
For the history-ignorant Tea Partiers; that’s what the point of the original Tea Party was about giving voice to the voice-less.

The really scary part is that given the GOPer’s control of everything, (though nothing to be proud of) the prison-industrial complex, participation in healthcare and of course the apartheid public education system---GOPers just keep churning out generation after generation of egregiously mean-spirited, bigoted and racist but “compassionate conservative christians.”
Issue #39 • November 19, 2010

"Money and Democracy Update" is Public Citizen’s weekly e-newsletter about the intersection of money and politics. It is part of our ongoing campaign to track the results of—and ultimately overturn—the Supreme Court’s reckless decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which allows for-profit corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to support or attack political candidates. We’ll update you regularly with select news stories and blog posts, legislative developments and ways to get involved.

Stunning Statistics of the Week:
  • 308: The number of outside groups, excluding party committees, that reported spending money on this year's elections
  • 166: The number of those groups that provided any information about the sources of their funding
  • $266.4 million: The total amount spent by all outside groups in 2010 to influence this year's elections
  • 27.1: Percentage of disclosed campaign expenditures from outside groups
Wanted: Nightlight to show voters in the dark just who was funding those attack ads
The U.S. Senate should pass a version of the DISCLOSE Act following the onslaught of undisclosed corporate campaign contributions in the 2010 elections, six good government groups said at a press conference this week at the steps of the U.S. Capitol. A version that strips some of the more controversial items from the legislation and focuses on disclosure is a vital first step to protecting the integrity of American elections, said Public Citizen President Robert Weissman. Such a measure would require the funders of broadcast ads to own up to their political expenditures. At the press conference, Public Citizen also released a report showing that the amount of information available to voters about who was behind midterm attack ads was dramatically less than in previous years.

Then the emancipation proclamation thing must have just really chapped their asses…..
Anti-gay organizations spent nearly $1 million to oust three Iowa justices
Three Iowa Supreme Court justices lost their jobs in the midterms after five out-of-state organizations spent $948,355 to boot them from office. The groups’ gripe? They didn’t like a 2009 ruling that legalized same-sex marriage.

capped and gowned (twice), licensed, office holder and doubts what she’s sure of---scary lot…

Mapping the Future: GOP will draw map in Texas, but gaining seats difficult
Republicans have a massive advantage when it comes to control over the coming redistricting process. But after their equally large gains in the House earlier this month, adding winnable districts to the map isn't quite so easy.

Case in point: Texas.
Texas is the biggest state where Republicans hold the governor's mansion and both chambers of the state legislature, a trifecta that allows them total control of the redistricting process….

Should Republican Blake Farenthold hold his lead on Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-Texas) after a recount, Republicans will hold 23 of the state's 32 congressional districts. The remaining Democratic-held districts are all pretty blue, making it hard alter them and make them winnable for Republicans.

Latinos Feel Leaderless, Says Report
The report, "National Latino Leader? The Job is Open," was authored by Paul Taylor, Director, Pew Hispanic Center, and Mark Hugo Lopez, associate director, Pew Hispanic Center, and is available at the Pew Hispanic Center's website, www.pewhispanic.org

Texas Red’s (moral) majority don’t need no new-fangled “scientific technology” to know when a Black man or an illegal alien is guilty of something…
DNA Tests Undermine Evidence in Texas Execution
New results show Claude Jones was put to death on flawed evidence.

The Cole Truth
Tim Cole died because the Lubbock Police Department jumped to conclusions. It's time to know why.

religion-based gangs remain true to millennias-long traditions of hate, conflict and oppression…
Religion enters fray in Texas election

Texan to lead smaller House Hispanic caucus

The Bell Tolls for Waco, Caught in Election Day Seismic Shift

tobacco the nicotine and other addictive properties-laced drug that kills almost have a million americans and 5 million other people around the world annually is okay but don't say, "weed"... or we'll put you in prison and throw away the key.....
In a small East Texas town, one man fights for his right to medical marijuana-and suffers the consequences

From Texas Red: a cratered landscape of prisons, deplorable apartheid public education, lack of healthcare and politicians and majority population intent on keeping it that way…

Hasta Siempre,

George Carlin describing facts about this plutocracy/Oligarchy

The Equity Center recently released a report called “Money Does Matter”

Illusions of Justice
The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990
“However, James W. Marquart, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, and Jonathan R. Sorensen offer a more complex thesis. In their book, The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle: Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923-1990,[5] they argue that Texas' execution rate reflects the Southern "cultural tradition of exclusion," and that "[s]uch exclusion was a basic element of the legacy of slavery."

History of Slavery in Texas

Young Woman or Old Woman

"a new breed of Southern demagogues, intolerant and and vengeful...."

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Public Policy & Elections 2010 Post-election, apartheid America...still red after all these years....

The prison-industrial complex, aparatheid public education system, racism and Elections 2010

Institutionalized racism at the center of public education's problems

Institutionalized racism at the center of public education's problems (part 2)

Institutionalized racism at the center of public education's problems (part 3)

Institutionalized racism at the center of public education's problems (part 4)

Three of four inmates in America's prison-industrial complex are people of color

Texas Red: government, big business, organized religion and public policy

American Failure in Education, Reason- Moyers, Susan Jacoby